The Depths, an adult furry webcomic – Page 46: Kuko

©2018 – 2024 Scribes Unlimited Publishing

But wow, David and Leilani, What an adorable sweet couple, aren’t they? Being all lovey-dovey for each other, even at a time when the mood should be a lot more serious?

But what’s this? Jamie having second thoughts about something?

Whatever his idea is, you can bet it’s probably a very good one to him – and not so good for the others.

Stay tuned…we’re just about ready to go back into…the depths…

Yes. We went there.

Into the depths, we mean.

We mean, we went into the depths before, but now clearly you see we’re about to go back into the depths and-

Right! Sorry! Moving forward!

One sad note to add. The day the original page was completed, October 11, 2018, Leilani and Riffraff had to make the unfortunate and painful decision to allow one of their black cats, 14-year-old girl Mystery, to enter eternity. We all share their love and loss during this time, and dedicate this page to her once more. <3

“The Depths” is written by P.M.Amaras & Paul Driggere (pen names for Leilani and Riffraff)

Art by: Twinkle-sez

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If we can answer any questions or address comments, suggestions, etc. please feel free to connect with Leilani in a number of ways:


Wet otter hugs from Leilani! <3


Comic Characters


Comic Storylines

Dark Reflections