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The Depths, an adult furry webcomic – Page 87: New Faces

©2018 – 2024 Scribes Unlimited Publishing

Introducing a beautiful new character, Marie-Claire, and we were at odds for a while what to make her. KJ wanted something exotic and rare, Leilani wanted another kitty-cat, and Riff wanted her to be a vixen or skunk. After much debate, we decided to let the audience make the choice, so we looked at the most popular creatures in the furry kingdom right now. Fennec was near the top of the list.

So a fennec she became. And we had a lot of fun deciding what she would look like too!

New characters rock!

Also, a shout-out to Electricfox777 for the use of his character Sly again. You might remember him from earlier in the comic, and we are so pleased to bring him back. More cameos are on the horizon too!

As always, your support on Patreon is so important right now, we can’t begin to tell you. We’ve got side-comics, manga, a hilarious comic strip about shipwrecked sea otters, and lots of EXCLUSIVE extra art! ♥  We’re finally able to start doing all of this, thanks to all of you. And we’d like to keep doing all of this for a while! ♥

Please support all our efforts! ♥ (Or just share us all over the place if you can’t do much right now! We love shares!)

“The Depths” is written by P.M.Amaras & Paul Driggere (pen names for Leilani and Riffraff)

Art by: Kino Jaggernov

Support us on Patreon if we’re worthy! Just tap that sexy image below!


If we can answer any questions or address comments, suggestions, etc. please feel free to connect with Leilani in a number of ways:



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.