The Depths, an aquatic adult furry webcomic – Page 133: Comeuppance
He had it coming…
And now, a brief time-out for a message to people all over the world.
Please stop advocating violence.
Whether you are a liberal or a conservative, or whatever political, religious, genial, cultural or personal colors with which you wish to paint yourself as, there is absolutely no sense in killing anyone.
All it really does is greatly impact the lives of those around the victims. It doesn’t end the memory or, sadly, the ideals.
Killing has always been, usually, in the name of wars – not just full-scale battles in other nations, but also wars between individuals, such as gangland hits, contracts, insurance schemes, infidelity, revenge, and so on.
It’s funny, in every war that’s ever been fought, no one is ever accused of murder – yet we gladly run around in our nation, and in so many others, and gleefully commit murder like we’re in our own little wars – and actually believe we won’t get caught. In Tulsa, Oklahoma, for example, the homicide solve rate there is upwards of 95%. And as more techniques are introduced and new technology is created, it’s going to become even harder to kill anyone.
But there’s still that 5%, isn’t it? The cold cases, the murders that don’t get solved. So, for that 5%, seems like people still like to take the chance.
Let’s stick with that 5% because I think I’d like to make a fair estimate here. Of the enormous amount of people calling for violence online, at home, during drunk-chat in a dimly-lit bar, only 5% of these people will actually do it – leaving 95% of us to stop them from doing it.
Of the hundreds of thousands of MAGA followers nationwide, the ones truly firmly planted in “cult status”, only 5% are really ready to get a gun and do something – and again, there’s 95% of the followers who would likely stop them.
I believe there’s only 5% of the millions advocating violence against people like LGBTQ+, or non-Christians, or Democrats in general that are ready to do something drastic, as we have seen in department stores in Allen, Texas, or a synagogue in Pittsburgh.
Approximately 77.5 million people in the United States own one gun, the relatively most common method for killing. (*sighs* Wish we could go back to crossbows, that was at least more challenging) Of all of those people, I truly believe only about 5% of them would gladly use it nefariously. I really do believe that deep down, in our hearts and minds, 95% of us are still good – not just here but across the planet.
So please, I ask everyone, stop calling for violence of any sort, on anyone. If we honestly need to fight a war however, to justify said violence, perhaps it might be a wonderful idea if the 95% of the world took immediate action and waged all-out war against the 5%.
I love our odds…don’t you?
With love,
Would you like to contribute? We’re getting set to wind up this latest story arc and head to New York City, and another era of the girls’ lives is about to unfold, when they were all younger, naive, and wild otters in the big city during Prohibition times. This is going to be fun!