The Depths, an adult furry webcomic – Page 24: Alana

©2018 – 2024 Scribes Unlimited Publishing

Forgive us for going the “Disney” route and the “killing of the parent”, so ritualistic in the Disney franchise it should be outlawed.

But we felt Leilani should be damaged goods in a way. As you saw in the present-day, she’s really damaged.

Oh, you have NO idea how damaged. We’re just scratched the surface.

“The Depths” is written by P.M.Amaras & Paul Driggere
Art by: ABlueDeer and Kino Jaggernov

Support us on Patreon if we’re worthy! Just tap that sexy image below!


If we can answer any questions or address comments, suggestions, etc. please feel free to connect with Leilani in a number of ways:


Wet otter hugs from Leilani! <3


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Comic Characters


Comic Storylines

Dark Reflections