“The Depths” is officially up and running! *^^*

So, wow, what a difference a summer makes! Let’s recap, alright? ^^
In April, we parted ways very amicably with Dark Blue Comics, and Leilani will still be story editing for them now and then when asked. We encourage folks to check in on these beautiful comics ABlueDeer has put together, Moonlace and Bethellium, and do share his website with others.
In May, we created “The Shallows”, an off-beat, zany, and sexy one-page comic strip, featuring the gang from “The Depths”, (and several lucky winning cameo characters) to be published monthly and exclusively for the Patreon and prospective furry-only sites.
In June, we started working on the website, with the help of a wonderful designer known as Mihari, who’s been responsible for several furry sites, including the KatBox, which holds a wealth of other really great webcomics as well.
In July, ABlueDeer and Leilani came to terms on when he could move away from pencil work on “The Depths” and get back to his regular work. Already with one child, and another on the way, it was important he focus on his own projects and Patreon. So naturally Leilani started scrambling for a new pencil artist. She reached out to veteran furry artist “Twinkle“, who immediately agreed to join the team, having already been a fan of “The Depths”, and fond of the main character, Leilani. Twinkle enjoys a huge audience for his masterful illustrations, so we all felt he would make an excellent addition for exposure purposes.
Finally, in August, “The Depths” website was complete, and pages started to move over from Dark Blue to here. In this time, Leilani and Riffraff attended two major conventions and managed to build up an even bigger audience for the webcomic.
And there you go. You’re caught up now, and as you can see, “The Depths” drama is rising steadily. The mood and setting is about to change soon however as we head back to the ocean. Leilani, Kalea, Malana, Jamie, and David are all headed for their individual destinies. We’ll also have a few secondary characters coming on board to help.
Get ready.
It’s about to get very deep, and very dangerous…
Hold your breath…
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