So, wow, it’s been just a little over a year since this site was created and we found a new home for “The Depths”.
And we’re sure all of you know by now, there are some massive changes about to take place. First and foremost, A NEW COMIC IS COMING!
You got a glimpse of it back a few pages with a prologue called “Wild Coast”, but you might not be aware about the details. Yes, Leilani will be around but so will some of the other “Depths” stars. Also, the story revolves around one very lucky, yet amnesiac, male character surrounded by a bevy of beautiful girls who each play a role in helping him through his life. We don’t want to give away too much right now, just know it’s coming.
Now then, to “The Depths” storyline. Obviously, we already have more than a few readers shaking their heads a little at the first reveal, the relationship between Kalea and Malana, but there is an even larger reveal coming in the next page that will hopefully floor you completely.
Patreon followers already have the script details and we’ve shocked and delighted them with the news, and we’re hoping more readers will feel the same.
Of course, now is the PERFECT time to join the Patreon, you know? We’ve added a final tier to it, for people who would just like to be proud to support us, and get a sneak-peek at work-in-progress art, for just a $1.00/month. We’re honestly going to need more money because this is going to take a lot more time and effort from our pesky day-jobs, and while we are so pleased with what has been given us, we still need more. =( We still have plenty of time, and plenty of goals we want to meet, like printed comics, graphic novels, merchandise, and even, dare we say it?, a web animation series. Also, since Leilani and Riffraff are heavily-experienced grant proposal writers, we also want to give back. That’s why with a larger Patreon fund, we can start a NON-PROFIT service, and help fellow furries in need with bills, sudden expenses, marketing, etc.
It all begins with you. If you’re reading this, if you love what you’re seeing and reading, if you think we’ve got the stuff to continue doing amazing things here, we invite you to join our happy family on Patreon.
Leilani is counting on you to save her and the others from obscurity! *^^*
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