Let’s go for #1 on Top Webcomics!

Don’t forget! Your vote means so much to us, you can vote every day, and from any machine you want to, a computer, a cellphone, even a tablet. *^^* And every vote counts!

More votes keep traffic flowing to “The Depths” website, and that means more viewers and more fans, and that translates to more monetary support for our endeavors, present and future.

Please lend us your vote if you cannot support us financially. We’re striving to stay on top and become the most-read furry webcomic in the world.

So many more undersea adventures, both perilous and pleasurable, are coming, and these sexy pearl diving otters, Leilani, Malana, and Kalea, are eager to get started!

VOTE! It’s the easiest way you can help us!

ALSO, BIG NEWS! We plan WEEKLY updates in June! <3