Page 12
Island Girls, an adventure webcomic – Page 12: Undersea Explorers
©2020 Scribes Unlimited Publishing
UPDATE: “Island Girls” can now be found in its entirety here.
Where is Huana taking him…?
Something to know about all our island girls, they have unusual lung power. Typical Polynesian pearl divers of the past were thought to be able to breath-hold more than 5 minutes and reach depths near 60 fathoms! That’s 360 feet! Give it a try yourself…without scuba!
Jack, meantime, as a sailor, can probably manage 2, maybe 3 minutes. So let’s hope Huana knows her way! Or she’ll have a very drowned boyfriend…
Stay safe and healthy out there, okay? Together, we’ll make it! ♥♥♥
Written by P.M.Amaras & Paul Driggere
Artist: Ralph del Mundo, of “Rock and Rock Diesel Zombies”
Thank you, Patreons!
Zeus7Olympus370 * Electricfox777 * MasterofWolves99 * Kelchan * SomeMuttUpNorth * Number Quiz * Altair * Vicky Plantcobra * Red Fox * T3 Guy * Xfiles * Centarion * Dave * Yaut * Tigermark * SandBlast Coyote * TerrificTwenty * Leo Nobururaion * lanceblazer18 * James Creed * GreenDreamer * D’Otter * Kit Redgrave * KenFletcher * DBarkBark * gtking87 * oeffoeff * Kathmandu * TheArashi * Romi * WereFox * Aries * chibinightowl * Neros Rigaldo * Dan Lansdowne * Ruku the Dragon * Wrytergirl * Daniel Leroux * Bob Nichie * LordJaguar * Tyler * Archaeologist * Mark Aguilar * Ræf Darkfire * Ithiaca * GentlemanPlayer * Mathias * BB * Enrique E. Flores * RC Gumby * Allen Billings * Targe Radick * Daemont92 * OmegaWolf * White_Knight * username159 * katsu47 * Koyote * ABD * a84785600 * RachelFox * SwiftKitten * Kalahari * Tau Switchblade * Godel Fishbreath * Sirberus Khaos * Jordy * LBJ * SomemuttupNorth * Cat Strat, Inc. * Rin Lee * Perle236 * Colord44 * Xun Gan * Terrorloc * Robert Leis * Otters007 * Silowyi * Scooties * Jenny Ping * White Wolf Commando
She must have gone through intense diving training so when will the real fun begin?
It’s coming. *^^*
Would I deprive you all of sex scenes?! *^^*
Yes you would
Would not! =P
I’m curious! Is this Island in the the Indonesian chain? Lady Huana may have more than an substatial set of Lungs. She’s more impressive then you think. To supply the 20-30% more muscle mass she’s sporting in her legs alone, she needs a well developed Human Diving Response. That means that, behind those sexy Abs, she may have a sexy Spleen up to 50% larger then poor Jack. This is genetic, not trained, and Bajau Indonesians, with weights, and goggles, can spearfish at a depth of 200 feet for more then 12 minutes. A useful aspect of H.D.R. is that it shuts down blood flow to the extremities. Should Huana have to restart Jack’s heart after their little swim, her hands and feet will be like ICE.
She’s quite the diver, isn’t she?
the location here is Bora Bora, in the Polynesian Islands, about 180 miles west of Tahiti. The year is 1930s. *^^*
I don’t know if it has ever been studied, but it would stand to reason that the Polynesian Population, also an isolated gene pool, may have developed a similar adaptation. Truth, especially about humans, is frequently stranger then fiction.
Exactly. We’re doing our best to stay true to the culture. *^^*