The Depths, an aquatic adult furry webcomic – Page 125: Warning

©2018 – 2024 Scribes Unlimited Publishing

A lot of interesting foreshadowing but what we’re really turned on by here is the way in which Malana acts around Lawrence and Kalea respectively. The passion she shared with the handsome otter is still fresh in her mind, and obviously something she’d like to keep to herself and not give Kalea other things to worry about.
But there’s this unspoken rule in many a movie with action and adventure laced throughout it and it’s that sex is often times the prelude to disaster, catastrophe, and death.
Keep that in mind. Things are about to really get…bad here.

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Check out our other comics too!

“Insignificant Otters” – (Help us reach our 2,000th “like”! Over 450 subscribers and growing!)
“Island Girls” – (Like “The Depths” but human and new story! FANTASTIC art!)

“The Depths” is written by P.M.Amaras & Paul Driggere
Art by Roy Wolverine

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Comic Characters


Comic Storylines

Children of the Sea