The Depths, an adult furry webcomic – Page 110: Rage

©2018 – 2024 Scribes Unlimited Publishing

Tah’nee isn’t playing anymore…
And now we know why the Talen is so important…
When we dropped back into the story so far, we forgot we didn’t really have a working origin for the Talen. Problem solved as you’ll soon discover…
But we need a little more exposition first, and a wild underwater sex scene…
OOPS! We said too much! *blush*
Thanks to everyone who has supported, or read, or commented. You’ve made “The Depths” the #1 ranked adult furry comic on Google.
A special note: We want to thank those who still support us or have been enjoying our work, not just with “The Depths” but our other comics as well.

Check out our Tapas comics too!

“Insignificant Otters” – (Help us reach our 2,000th “likes! 400 subscribers and growing!)
“Island Girls” – (Like “The Depths” but human and new story! FANTASTIC art!)

Written by P.M.Amaras & Paul Driggere (pen names for Leilani and RiffRaff)
Art by Moonabel

Support us on Patreon if we’re worthy! Just tap that sexy image below!


If we can answer any questions or address comments, suggestions, etc. please feel free to connect with Leilani in a number of ways:


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Comic Characters


Comic Storylines

Children of the Sea